World Bank Delegation Visits SACEP Secretariat During the 9th Implementation Support Mission of the PLEASE Project

On 28th August 2024, a delegation led by Ms. Anne Jeannette Glauber, Practice Manager for Environment, Natural Resources, and Blue Economy (ENB) for India, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka at the World Bank, visited the SACEP Secretariat as part of the 9th Implementation Support Mission for the PLEASE project. She was accompanied by Mr. Joseph Ese Akpokodje, Team Task Leader for the PLEASE project, and Ms. Disna Bandara, Environmental Specialist at the World Bank.

The Director General of SACEP, Ms. Rokeya Khaton, warmly welcomed the delegation and congratulated Ms. Glauber on her recent appointment as the Practice Manager for India, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. During the meeting, they discussed the progress of the PLEASE project, with the World Bank team commending SACEP for its significant achievements thus far. The discussion also focused on strategies to ensure the successful completion of the project within the designated timeframe.

Following the meeting, the World Bank delegation visited the construction site of the new SACEP headquarters to assess its progress. Ms. Anne Jeannette Glauber expressed her satisfaction with the advancements made and conveyed her optimism for the project's continued success.