SACEP Bilateral Meetings with Bangladesh 09th December 2019, UNFCCC, COP 25, Madrid, Spain

During the recently concluded United Nations Climate Change Conference,(COP 25) held in Madrid, Spain Dr.Abas Basir met with the High Level Delegation from Government of Bangladesh Including the Honorable Minister of Environment , Mr. Md. Shahab Uddin, Ministry of Forest and Climate Change, Honorable Deputy Minister, Mrs. Habibun Nahar, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Mr. Abdullah Mohsin Chowdhury, Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Dr. S. M Munzurul Hannan Khan, Additional Secretary (Environment), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, and Dr. Nurul Quadir, Additional Secretary (Climate Change) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. Dr.Basir first thanked the Government of Bangladesh for their excellent hosting facility provided during the recently concluded Governing Council of SACEP. He further mentioned about the details of the activities carried out by SACEP during the year 2019 and also explained about the future activities which will be carried out by SACEP with various Development Partners in the region during the coming years. Bangladesh representatives congratulated Dr.Basir for all the achievements and agreed to cooperate with SACEP with all its proposed activities in the future.