SACEP Bilateral Meeting with Asian Development Bank and United Nations Frame Work Convention on Climate Change Secretariat 09th/ 10th December 2019, UNFCCC, COP 25, Madrid, Spain

Dr.Abas Basir, Director General , South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme, (SACEP) held bilateral discussions with representative of Asian Development Bank (ADB) during the United Nations Climate Change Conference,(COP 25) held in Madrid, Spain. The discussions mainly focused on how to proceed forward assisting the SACEP member countries in South Asia on their NDC implementation focusing on the outputs/results/ gaps identifies during the recently concluded NDC Implementation Regional Workshop in Bangkok, September 2019. During the discussions ADB announced their interest to further collaborate with SACEP such as by supporting SACEP member countries in establishing MRV Systems in South Asia.

On the side line of the conference SACEP also had the opportunity to have discussions with United Nations Frame Work Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat where Dr. Abas Basir met with Mr. Donald Cooper, Director, Mitigation and Analysis, UNFCCC, Mr. Jigme ,Team Leader, Mitigation and Transparency Support, Mitigation, Data and Analysis, UNFCCC and Mr. Bernd Hackmann, Programme Officer, Mitigation, Data and Analysis Programme UNFCCC. During the discussions UNFCCC secretariat happily welcomed the partnership of SACEP and agreed to collaborate with SACEP on implementing activities related to Paris Agreement in SACEP member countries in South Asia. Special emphasis was given on activities related to ‘Revision of NDC’s in SACEP member countries.