Round Table Discussion – Pakistan – 22 July 2024

On July 22, 2024, the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP), under the Plastic Free Rivers and Seas for South Asia (PLEASE) Project, organized a High-Level Roundtable Discussion in Islamabad, Pakistan. The event brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including high-level government officials, plastic waste experts, business leaders, and representatives from bi/multilateral organizations, to foster collaboration and address plastic pollution in Pakistan and the broader South Asia region.

The discussion was graced by the presence of distinguished officials such as Romina Khurshid Alam, Coordinator for the Prime Minister on Climate Change, and Mr. Iftikhar ul Hassan Shah Gilani, Additional Secretary from the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment Coordination (MOCC&EC). Other notable attendees included Ms. Rokeya Khaton, Director General of SACEP, the UNOPS Country Director for Pakistan, experts from the plastics and packaging industries, plastic recycling specialists, members of academia, and representatives from non-governmental and civil society organizations.

In her remarks, Ms. Rokeya Khaton emphasized SACEP's commitment to addressing South Asia’s environmental challenges. She highlighted the importance of engaging all sectors, supporting women-led initiatives, and underscored the significance of the PLEASE project in Pakistan’s efforts to combat plastic waste.

The discussion delved into various existing policies, technologies, and financing solutions to combat plastic pollution in Pakistan. Participants identified the need for enhanced coordination among government departments at both federal and provincial levels, the exploration of policy measures beyond single-use plastic bans, such as Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), and the establishment of guidelines and standards for plastic recycling processes. These efforts aim to ensure the safe recovery and recycling of plastic waste while promoting sustainable practices across the country.

L to R: Mr. Syed Iftikhar ul Hassan Shah, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, Pakistan; Ms. Romina Khurshid Alam, Coordinator to Prime Minister on Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, Pakistan; Ms. Rokeya Khaton, Director General, Soth Asia Co-operative Environment Programme; Ms. Jennifer Ankrom, Country Manager, UNOPS Pakistan; Ms. Constanza Malagamba, Senior Programme Manager, PLEASE Project, UNOPS Sri Lanka.