Sub Regional workshop on Advancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in South Asia

SACEP, with assistance from ADB, organized a Sub Regional workshop on Advancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in South Asia, in Bangkok, Thailand from 26-27 September 2019.

The objectives of the workshop was to understand current challenges faced by SACEP member countries in their NDC implementation and to explore possible modalities of support, and opportunities for collaboration, at national and regional levels.

The participants of the workshop represented senior representatives from the Ministry of Environment/Climate Chang and Ministry of Economy/Finance of all SACEP member countries and representatives from, UNFCCC, NDC Partnership, UNESCAP, UN Environment, Government of Thailand, SACEP and ADB.

During the workshop Dr. Abas Basir Director General of SACEP highlighted the importance of NDC implementation in addressing climate change in South Asia and said that NDC implementation requires coordinated action across the five distinct areas which include governance, adaptation, finance, measuring, monitoring and verification.